Training Quality Assurance

Access to Programes of Study

All learners who wish to enrol on a programme of study at OSS must satisfy the minimum entry requirements for the programme.

  • Formal training conducted by industry or education
  • Work experience
  • Life experience


Learner Supports

Reasonable Accommodations

We ask that learners with a special need and/or learning difficulty discuss this with the Programme Manager when you apply to a programme of study at OSS. This helps us to ensure that OSS could put in place accommodation which you may need.

Reasonable accommodations provided by OSS include:

  • Examinations – rest breaks/ additional/extra time
  • Spelling waiver
  • Amended examinations/assessment papers (for example, larger font size)
  • The use of a scribe
  • Rescheduled assessment submission dates
  • Sitting an examination in a separate room (with an invigilator always present)


You can apply for reasonable accommodation using the Reasonable Accommodations Form.

Learners are expected to attend all classes while enrolled with OSS. However, there may be times when circumstances arise that affect the learner’s ability to attend all classes. The Centre can help learners in taking unscheduled breaks in case of personal mitigating circumstances (for example, bereavement or illness).

If you are absent during your course, you should contact the Programme Manager to talk about how long you expect you will be absent and the return date. The Programme Manager will recommend you apply for personal mitigating circumstances and the documentation you will need to send to support their application.

When learners apply for personal mitigating circumstances, they should complete a Personal Mitigating Circumstances Form

Recheck/Review/Appeal Process

You can apply for a recheck in situations where you believe there has been an error in your assessment results calculations. During a recheck, we will check that all parts of your assessment have been graded correctly and that there has been no error when grades were calculated or recorded.

If you want to apply for a recheck, you must complete a Recheck/Review/Appeal Application Form, up to 10 working days after provisional results are issued.

You can access the form in your learner handbook or request from your OSS course coordinator. We normally let you know of the results within fifteen working days of your application. Rechecking may result in changes to learner’s assessment grades (upwards or downwards). If your assessment grades are changed, OSS will refund any administration fees that you have paid.

Assessment Review

You can apply for a review in situations where you believe components or all parts of assessment materials must be examined.

If you want to apply for a review, you must complete a Recheck/Review/Appeal Application Form for up to ten working days after provisional results are issued.

We normally let you know of the results within fifteen working days of your application. Reviews may result in changes to learner’s assessment grades (upwards or downwards). If your assessment grades are changed, OSS will refund any administration fees that you have paid.

Assessment Appeals

You can lodge an application for appeal within fifteen working days of communication of assessment results (or the outcome of a recheck or review). If you apply for an appeal, the application must give a clear reason for the appeal and the part of the assessment that relates to the appeal.

To apply for an appeal, you must complete a Recheck/Review/Appeal Application Form and send all documentation that supports your appeal.

We normally will let you know of the results within fifteen working days of your application. Where an appeal is granted, OSS will refund you the appeals fee. In cases where appeals are granted, this may result in a change to the assessment outcome/grade.

Repeat Assessment

QQI had set out the following grades for modules/components at Levels 4, 5 and 6:

Pass 50% – 64%

Merit 65% – 79%%

Distinction 80% – 100%

If you get an assessment grade below 50% in a module, you may need to repeat the assessment. If this happens, you should speak to the Programme Manager.

All learners have the right to appeal the result of any OSS assessment that they have undertaken.


Learners who register for programmes at OSS agree to accept the refunds terms and conditions outlined. OSS provides full refunds for cancellations made more than 10 working days before the programme start date. OSS must be notified of any cancellations via email to . Learners who fail to attend or complete a programme of study are not eligible for refunds.

Organisations may substitute learners enrolled in programmes of study prior to the start of the course without incurring additional costs. OSS must be notified of any programme transfer or change-of-date requests by email at least 5 working days prior to the commencement of the specific original programme of study


OSS is committed to providing the highest standards of service provision to our learners, clients, and staff. We operate in an environment of continuous improvement and encourage your feedback. Circumstances might arise where you wish to complain about an aspect of our services.

Before making a formal complaint, we encourage our learners to first try and resolve the issue informally with the person who is the subject of their complaint or with the immediate manager/supervisor of the service.

If you do not resolve the issue on an informal level, you can make a formal complaint. Learners who wish to make a formal complaint should complete a Complaint Form. You can access the form in your learner handbook or request from your OSS course coordinator.

After you send your completed form, the Programme Manager will contact you and speak to you about the different ways we deal with complaints.

O’Dwyer Safety Services Ltd.