Health and Safety Retained Package
Keeping up with all the health and safety requirements over the year can a very time consuming burden for businesses
SAFEPACK is a cost-effective package ideal for the small to medium business that want to manage Health and Safety
We assign a member of O’Dwyer Safety Services (OSS Ltd) consultancy team with the experience and knowledge to match your industry needs and demands, who will work directly with your safety personnel/managers to complete the scope of work required to achieve your health and safety objectives.
Ensuring employees safety, health and welfare is not only a legal requirement, it creates a more productive business and builds trust and confidence that your organisation cares about its people.
The Consultancy Team work with clients across a wide rage of industries; including manufacturing, pharma, education, renewable energies, agricultural and construction.
We are proud to have established a longstanding partnership with our SAFEPACK Clients, who have entrusted us with the health and safety of their business year after year.
We strive to continuously grow and develop our SAFEPACK offering, and look forward to discussing your business’ health and safety requirements with you.